The Cold Chain utilizes our patented products, along with our exclusive technology and protocols to ensure that your goods are kept cold, fresh and safe…
Jet Pro holds the exclusive rights to patented products, which represent the only true food safe shipping container for the air cargo industry…
Jet Pro will ship anywhere in the world. We have hubs on the West Coast, Hawaii, Miami and Buenos Aires to name a few. View our interactive map…
Pioneering innovative technology to safeguard your perishables is our specialty.
Years of Experience
Location Hubs
Exclusive Products
Different Containers
Jet Pro is extremely serious about temperature during all aspects of a shipment. That is, from perishable delivery to Jet Pro; storage prior to flight; perishables awaiting flight; perishables during flight; perishables upon arrival; and, finally, perishable storage while awaiting pick-up at its shipped destination.